
Participant Food Preferences


The following summary of the 2023 participant food and drink preferences is provided as information to the cooking teams and grocery purchasers. The data are based on the 26 epeople who completed the survey.

Chefs should take special note of the "Allergies" section so that allergic individuals can be informed which dishes might pose a threat to them.

The conference will provide some drinks and snack foods.  However Items sought by only one or two individuals are generally not provided by the conference, but should be purchased or ordered directly by those who wish them.

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Item No Yes but - Yes Yes and + Prefer
Vegan 0 2 11  12
Vegetarian 0 0 15
Chicken 0 16
Shellfish 16
Fish 0 18 5
Pork 4 13 1
Lamb 5 10
Beef 1 14

The moral of the story, I guess, is NOT that we should have a vegetarian meal every night.  Rather it is that there should be options provided whenever possible for those who might not be into the main course.

Food Allergies

When a recipe calls for one of the ingredients described below, chefs should ordinarily make a second version of the dish that omits the problematic ingredient, allow non-allergic people to add the ingredient to the dish themselves, or post a warning that the dish contains the allergen. Also, please take care with regard to possible cross-contamination of dishes.

Beans, cruciferous vegetables (i.e., cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts)


The following is provided principally for the information of those who will be buying groceries:

Wine Preferences

Overall, 1 of those who responded doesn't drink wine, 8 drink it infrequently, and 16 drink it frequently.  Preferences among wine drinkers:

  White only Mostly white Both Mostly red Red only
No. 12  3

The year looks like a white wine crowd.  So, how about some Prosecco?

Other Drink Preferences

Misc: Bottled water was mentioned commonly along with sparkling waters, flavored waters, La Croix, Bubbly etc.  Iced tea was mentioned.  Milk was mentioned as was black tea.  Other mentions are encompassed by the categories below. 

Soft drinks:   Four people report being regular soft drinkers;  seven more drink them sometimes, and 16 never drink them.  Most frequently mentioned were Diet Coke and Diet Sprite and Dr. Pepper or Diet Dr. Pepper. Overall, most people responding with a soft drink preference preferred diet soft drinks.

Juice: Only 2people reported being regular juice drinkers, with another 9 drinking it occasionally and 15, never. 

Coffee:  Fourteen people indicated that they only drink caffeinated coffee, and seven said they would drink both caffeinated and decaf coffee.  One person said they only drink decaf and four people do not drink coffee. 

Beer: Seven people drink beer regularly, 11 occasionally, and six not at all.  Specific types mentioned were all over the place, with IPA's most frequent, but the vast majority of choices being idiosyncratic.  Hard ciders were also mentioned more than once.  Corona was mentioned often/

Other alcoholic drinks:  Overall, 25 people drink alcohol in one form or another while one abstains from all.  Gin was listed by multiple people, followed by vodka, whisky, and mixed drinks.


  Snack Preferences

As in past years, if it is ingestable, someone would like to have it as a snack.  Healthier options that were frequently listed include most fruits (especially apples,  bananas and raisins), vegetables, hummus, granola bars, nuts (especially almonds, walnut, mixed and cashews), and cheeses (most kinds). Other popular mentions include chips, crackers, pretzels, cookies, and tortilla chips and salsa. Greek yogurt was also mentioned.  No one mentioned candy or sweets (except for Duck Donuts).  I assume this is because chocolate is a basic food group and barely needs mentioning.

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