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PSY 200: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology

Fall 2024
MWF 3:30 pm-4:20 pm
Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Room 1055

Breaking news:


NameOffice EmailPhoneOffice hours
Greg FrancisPSYCH 3186gfrancis@purdue.edu494-6934 MWF 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Please contact me (email is best) if you cannot visit during office hours to schedule an alternative time to meet.

Text: There is no textbook. Material for exams will be taken from the lectures. If you want to use a textbook, you can use any cognition text from other (present and past) sections of this course, or you can purchase a textbook online. Class notes will be available on the web (see below). The notes are reduced in size so that six slides fit on a single page. You can either download individual lectures (below) or you can download the entire set of lectures notes in a single file (51 MB). There are also optional readings in the schedule below. These readings may help if you are unsure about something or want to explore a topic further.

Class attendance: Your presence for the lectures is mandatory, and will be checked each class period. Over the course of the semester, each student may miss up to 6 lectures without penalty. Additional absences will proportionally reduce your class attendance score. This score contributes to 10% of your final class grade. Athletes and other special cases need to contact Dr. Francis.

Class home page: The home page for this course is http://www.psych.purdue.edu/~gfrancis/Classes/PSY200/indexF24.html From this page you can download lecture notes, view the class schedule, view current grades, and connect to the various homework laboratory and writing assignments. This course does not use Brightspace.

Vodcast recordings of lectures: BoilerCast recordings of the lectures will be available. At the time of syllabus preparation is not clear how the recordings will be distributed, but we will sort it out as the semester goes. The recordings are meant to be a (poor) substitute should you miss a lecture and to provide a way to go back and check on topics that you do not fully understand. The vodcast recording system does not always properly capture the lecture, and sometimes the audio is quite poor. Your best option is to attend the lecture itself and use the vodcast as a way to refresh selected topics.

Examinations: There will be four section exams and one final exam. The section exams will be in-class and the final exam will be given during the final exam period (do not plan to leave campus early, this course's final exam is sometimes scheduled for the last day of exam week). Exams 1 through 4 are each worth 15% of your class grade. The final will cover all topics of the course and is worth 15% of your class grade. Exams will be half 30 multiple choice questions (worth 2 points each) and half 4 short-answer questions (worth 10 points each). Extensive study guides are available as links in the class schedule below. You might also find it useful to look at old exams from Spring 2016. However, the course always changes a bit from semester to semester, and your exams will be made of different (but similar) questions. Make-up exams will not be permitted unless you notify Dr. Francis at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled exam date. Missed exams will receive a grade of 0.

CogLab: CogLab is an Internet site that allows students to participate in classic experiments related to cognitive psychology. You will be given lab assignments throughout the semester. These labs are run through the Internet and can be carried out at any computer lab on campus or at a home computer. Your overall lab grade will make up 15% of your class grade. All the labs are on the Cognitive Psychology Online Laboratory (CogLab) web page at https://coglab.cengage.com. In the schedule below, individual labs are associated with different dates. You must complete each lab by 1:00 pm on the date indicated to get credit (better to do it the night before). You will receive log-in instructions in class.

Grading: Grading is on a straight scale, as described in Lecture 1. There is no rounding or curving of grades. There is no possibility of extra credit.

Teaching Assistants:

NameOffice EmailOffice hours
Hailey ArreolaPSYCH 3196harreola@purdue.eduTuesday and Thursday, 8:30-10:00 am
Andy FordycePSYCH 3198afordyc@purdue.edu Tuesday, 12-1:30 pm


The links to the optional readings provide some additional background or related information. You do not need to read this material, but if you are interested in the topic, it is a place to start further exploration.

Lecture PDF / BoilercastDate Topic Assignment Optional Readings
01, VideoAugust 19 Introduction
02, Video August 21 Brain Brain asymmetry The Brain from Top to Bottom, Visual contralateral processing
03, Video August 23 Brain scans
04, Video August 26 Mind reading Brainport Vision Video
05, Video August 28 Neurons and neurotransmitters The Mind Project
06, Video August 30 Receptive fields Blind Spot Receptive field tutorial
-- September 02 Labor Day (No class)
07, Video September 04 Neural networks
08, Video September 06 Neural learning Implicit learning Neural Network Demo
SG1, Video September 09 Review for exam
-- September 11 SECTION EXAM 1
09, Video September 13 Visual perception Muller-Lyer illusion The Joy of Visual Perception
10, Video September 16 Dynamic vision Apparent motion, Metacontrast masking The Joy of Visual Perception - Motion Perception
11, Video September 18 Attention Simon effect Wikipedia Page
12, Video September 20 Attention Attentional blink, Visual search Visual Salience
13, Video September 23 Sensory memory Partial report
14, Video September 25 Two-store model Brown-Peterson, Serial position Wikipedia Page, Dewey (2007)
15, Video September 27 Working memory Sternberg search Wikipedia Page
16, Video September 30 Working memory Memory span, Phonological similarity
SG2, Video October 02 Review for exam
-- October 04 SECTION EXAM 2
-- October 07 Fall Break (No class)
17, Video October 09 Encoding specificity Encoding specificity
18, Video October 11 Memory discrimination False memory
19, Video October 14 Constructive memory Loftus (2003)
20, Video October 16 Amnesia Forgot it all along Wikipedia entry on HM
21, Video October 18 Improving memory 1 Levels of processing
22, Video October 21 Improving memory 2 Link word
23, Video October 23 Mental representation Prototypes
24, Video October 25 Mental imagery Mental rotation Wikipedia Page
SG3, Video October 28 Review for exam
-- October 30 SECTION EXAM 3
25, Video November 01 Language instinct African American Vernacular English
26, Video November 04 Phrase trees MiniLing
27, Video November 06 Words Word superiority Wikipedia on Proto Indo European Language
28, Video November 08 Parsing Lexical decision
29, Video November 11 Speech Categorical Perception - Discrimination Wikipedia Page on Consonants
30, Video November 13 Language development Age of Acquisition
31, Video November 15 Language and brain The Brain from Top to Bottom: Language-Procesing Areas, Deciphering the Chatter of Monkeys
32, Video November 18 Consciousness The Brain from Top to Bottom: Consciousness, Searle and the Chinese Room Argument, The trouble with teleportation
SG4, Video November 20 Review for exam
-- November 22 SECTION EXAM 4
33, Video November 25 Decision making Monty Hall How being rational can go wrong
-- November 27 Thanksgiving Break (No class)
-- November 29 Thanksgiving Break (No class)
34, Video December 02 Problem solving Wason selection
35, Video December 04 Current topics
SGF, Video December 06 Review for final exam