Line Length Task

Estimated time to complete experiment: 10 minutes

This experiment explores how well you can judge the length of a line. On each trial you will see a white (target) line on the right side of the screen. Your task is use the slider to adjust the length of the line on the left side of the screen so that it appears to be the same length as the target line. The target line includes wings that extend outward, but your judgment should be just for the length of the line between the wings.

Across trials, the adjustable line will vary in starting length.


You will see a black rectangle below. Make sure that you can see the full area and the buttons just below the black rectangle before you begin the lab. Place yourself a comfortable distance from the screen and try to maintain that distance for the duration of the experiment. In particular, do not lean forward to get a better look if a trial seems especially difficult.

Tap the Start Next Trial button to start a trial. On each trial two lines will appear on the left and right side of the black rectangle. Use the slider to change the length of the left-side line so that it appears to be the same length as the right-side line (not including the wings). You should take as much time as you need, but do not obsess over getting an exact match of the lines, 10-15 seconds per trial would be pretty typical. When you are satisfied that the two lines appear to be the same length, click the Submit match button. When you are ready, click the Start Next Trial button to continue.

After the last trial, new information will appear that summarizes your data.


Trials to go: 5

Move the slider to adjust the left-side line so that its length matches the right-side line.




Your trial-by-trial data