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PSY 628: Perceptual Processes

Fall 2024
TTh 12:00 pm-1:15 pm
Peirce Hall, Room 255


NameOffice EmailPhoneOffice hours
Greg FrancisPSYCH 3186gfrancis@purdue.edu494-6934 MWF 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Please contact me (email is best) if you cannot visit during office hours to schedule an alternative time to meet.

This course explores various aspects of perception. It covers some of the neurophysiological underpinnings of perception, methods of investigating perceptual processes, major theories of perception, and empirical findings. Because it is the easiest to present, we will mostly focus on visual perception, but we will also explore some aspects of audition and other sensory systems.

Materials (lectures, readings, datasets, code):

This material can be downloaded from the class website at http://www2.psych.purdue.edu/~gfrancis/Classes/PSY628/indexF24.html

Class home page: The home page for this course is http://www.psych.purdue.edu/~gfrancis/Classes/PSY628/indexF24.html From this page you can download lecture notes, view the class schedule, view current grades, and connect to the various homework assignments.

Homework: Assignments will be due approximately every two weeks. The intention is to use the homework assignments as a way of practicing the concepts we discuss in class. They will be graded to insure that students actively participate.

  1. Homework 1 (Due: Tuesday, September 3): as PDF, as MS Word, Local Experiment. Some students reported not being able to get the experiment to run on their computer. Following this link should allow you to run it in your computer.
  2. Homework 2 (Due: Tuesday, September 17): as PDF, as MS Word, Convolutions.R, square.jpg, Mountains.jpeg.
  3. Homework 3 (Due: Tuesday, October 1): as PDF, as MS Word, Fourier Transform Playground, Gabor0.png, Gabor32.png, Gabor64.png, Gabor90.png, square.jpg, Mountains.jpeg, GappedVerticalLine.jpg.
  4. Homework 4 (Due: Tuesday, October 15): as PDF, as MS Word, experiment link
  5. Homework 5 (Due: Thursday, November 7): as PDF, as MS Word, Ongchoco & Schall (2019), online app for converting t-values to power (and other statistics)

Project: In the last two weeks, students will present a perception-related investigation. This could be an experiment or it could be modeling. There is a lot of flexibility in the project, but I have provided some suggestions and a few details (as PDF, as MS Word.)

Assumed background: